Thursday, October 6, 2011


Akagai is a type of Ark Shell clam that lives in incredibly murky waters. Due to its habitat it has developed in such a way that it can breath even in low oxygen situations. This adaptation is in the form of hemoglobin and myoglobin, the compounds found in human blood. This is the reason they are often called Blood Clams. In many parts of Asia they are a prized delicacy. In those parts of the world, however, due to poor water conditions and sanitation, many diseases harmful to humans can be passed on through consumption which is why it is very important to source a reliable supplier. The domestically harvested ones are completely safe to eat and are tested for any sign of disease. Farming in the United States has also virtually eliminated risks, through clean growing and harvesting practices.

The flavor of these delicacies is deep and irony with a subtle sweetness. This is highlighted in Japanese cuisine through the traditional use in nigiri sushi. It is also used pickled as we at Arami did. When pickled it is usually used in a simple salad. We used it in this way for our omakase diners as an opening course.

Here are some detailed pictures of what it looks like. We even had a surprise visit from a symbiotic crab inside one. It is clear from these pictures why it is called Blood Clam.